About Us:

Charity Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located in the Black Rock/Riverside area of Buffalo, New York.

We are an independent, fundamental, Bible believing, soul-winning and compassionate gospel preaching church. This ministry has evolved over the past 20 years as an inner city street ministry reaching out to the sinner, the sick, and downtrodden in the city of Buffalo. God has graciously and miraculously laid a path for us over the years to preach a message of hope in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the poor and needy souls of the city of Buffalo as our chuch continues to grow.

Charity Baptist Church continues with a variety of ministries and services to reach the diverse and multi-cultural community around us with the true answer for ones life, the Lord Jesus Christ. Come join us in our services at Charity Baptist Church to develop a new relationship or nurture your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


See our statement of doctrine (what we believe).